Saturday, 31 March 2012

Gi & NoGi


Drilled with Mh.

Worked sc escapes.



Worked standing guard passes, including, standing on their leg, stepping round, etc.

Great rolls.

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Gi & No Gi: TDs and knee of belly


Drilled with Ir.

Practised single legs to guard pass to side control.

SC to sweep and SC to armbar.

Knee on Belly sweeps/subs:

Sweeps were based on their posted leg position.

nb. feed your hand so you cup the arch of their foot that's on your belly and hold their butt/belt/behind


Drilled with Rg.

Takedowns from combo setups.

Catch leg (step away from it to avoid ribs) > clinch > side step > td

Catch leg (step away from it to avoid ribs)  > step right leg through/behind > td

Switch kick - focus on shoulders in same stance.

Practised armbar from top and bottom.

Their right arm:
Top: keep it tight after sliding their arm across > left knee fills gap behind their right shoulder > pressure > switch right leg for S > lean forward to keep pressure on tight > think about applying the lock as you're sitting on them > fall back to apply & legs tight

Wednesday, 28 March 2012


Drilled with Bm.

Worked takedowns on mats, etc.

They TD > their head outside > jump guard + push legs away + head in (not away) > guillotine

Triangle: They TD > grip their sleeve >  right arm under their armpit > left nearside neck (seatbelt set up) >  post left hand to floor > right leg over their hip & up back > butt down > sleeve grip facilitates triangle setup > keep leg high on back > triangle OR sweep

TD > seatbelt (as above) > sprawl > take back (I think!)

10 minute round sparring.

Side Control Escapes

Escape from Side control into D'arce choke:

Monday, 26 March 2012

Flower Sweep

Butterfly, sweep from X guard, Kimura

Drilled with Cf.

As before:
SC > isolate arm > pin hip > keep it tight > step over > Kimura/Armbar

Butterfly > pop up > fake to the side (they base) > sweep to other

SC > butterfly > they stand > quickly swoop bottom arm behind their ankle > X guard > sweep

Kimura: move to side and step over if needs be.

Lots of sparring.

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Gi & No Gi: Armlock, Turtle Kimura


Drilled with Gr.

Armlock from bottom guard:

Grab cross hand > pull over behind head > scoot out > lean back+ twist armlock

Turtle choke:

Reach in collar + trouser leg > head in gap near their knee > switch side > roll them out > choke


Drilled with Sh.

Single leg TD into double leg:

Single > head inside > leg tight + hop back > grab other leg > step aside > dump them in the gap

Kimura into Armbar and Americana:

Side control > isolate arm (underhook tight) > pin outside hip > step round > north south > kimura




Same > Kimura > switch grip + pin arm facing right to body > left hand goes to ground > leg out > twist body away


Thursday, 22 March 2012

Gi & No GI


Drilled with Ir.

Breaking closed guard (standing, etc.)
Worked passing butterfly - pushing into them (pushing arms down) > circle right leg out > pin their leg against their body > right hand reaches through outside of leg + grabs their left ankle > circle left to pass


Combo into double leg td
Into strikes, mount, axe kick, etc.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Monday throws/tds

Drilled with Mt.

Basic throws.

Ended class drilling throws from standing. Tiring but fun.

Monday, 19 March 2012

Side Control Choke & Armbar

Drilled with Mh.

Drilled some basic throws. Push/pull.

SC > knee on belly > shoot left hand through their arm > step over head > keep tight > Kimura OR > left knee down > keep tight > armbar

SC > knee on belly > hip hand loosen their gi > collar hand grab loosened gi > sit out > kneee pointing up + against neck > choke

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Gi and No Gi: Butterfly


Drilled with Mh.

Worked sweeps from sitting butterfly guard.


More butterfly sweeps.

Sweated lots.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Gi & No Gi: Side Control + Knee on belly and Footlocks & Leglocks


Drilled with Mh.

Worked SC into basic choke.

SC bottom > pin collar arm to head > grip outside arm to their eblow > twist arm in > bridge out at angle  for sweep


Drilled with R.
Setups from right, left, right + kick.

Various TDs from legkick:

Keep leg > hips away to avoid up kicks > foot on their loose leg > left arm under Achilles > grip right bicep > arch back > lock

TD > keep leg > slide right knee throw to floor at their side > right foot stays hooked > keep tight at leg > face away > hands on heel > lock

As above > they triangle legs to protect > get own foot out for base > sit up on them > slide their feet out to break triangle (easy) > put their foot behind your left knee if poss > leglock

Rolled with many. Went well.

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Lagarto Guard Counters

Drilled with Ah.

LG (top) > push foot down > punch hand underneath > figure 4 foot > let them sweep > footlock

LG > arm under leg > move leg in > lock arm under calf > roll in (tough one)

LG > they grab sleeve > grab own hand > Superman away to floor > they try to stand > leg over for Triangle, Armbar or take back

Rolled with Ah, Ad and Dn.


Hip Bump

Monday, 12 March 2012

The Four Steps to Master ANY Technique! by Stephan Kesting

Stage One is Unconscious IncompetenceIn this stage you don’t even know that there’s a problem, and even less of an idea what the solution might be.
Let’s say that ‘Fred’ is a newbie grappler. He has absolutely no idea how to position his hands, arms, head and body when he’s in someone’s guard.  As a result he’s getting choked out, armlocked and swept all the time.
The solution is, of course, for Fred to maintain good posture in the guard, but in stage one he’s never even heard about the concept of posture.
He has no idea that posture would make his life so much easier, allowing him to nullify the guard and get to work on passing it.  He is both incompetent at maintaining posture, and unconscious that it’s even something he should be doing.
Stage two is Conscious Incompetence. Here you recognize that there’s something you should be better at, but you still have difficulty implementing it.
Let’s go back to our friend Fred in the guard for a sec.
Maybe he’s now been training for a month or two, and is finally beginning to figure out that there’s a reason his coach is always yelling “posture, posture, posture!!!”
He now recognizes that posture is important, but is still pretty hazy about exactly what posture is and how to achieve it. He knows he should be doing ‘stuff’ to maintain good posture, but what that stuff is he’s not exactly sure.
He’s conscious of the problem, but incompetent at solving it.
Stage three is Conscious Competence. Here you know how to do something, but it’s not instinctive yet. You still need to concentrate on the skill in order to do it properly.
Let’s say that Fred has now been training a couple of years and is getting MUCH better at making posture in the guard.
If someone tries to pull him down then he knows all sorts of tricks to prevent that from happening, including gripfighting and pummeling his way back to good position.
He still has to think about it, but he he’s finally become competent at making posture.  This is a big step, but it’s not the final goal…
Stage four is Unconscious Competence. In this stage the skill in question has become ‘second nature’ and you no longer have to think about it.
By this stage, if Fred ends up in the guard he automatically starts making good posture, and reacts without thought to any attempt by his opponent to break his posture down.
Unconscious competence is a good thing because it allows you to react faster.  It also frees up your mind to think about the overall strategy of the match, rather than having to use up most of your bandwidth handling the minutiae the moves themselves.
Of course, the four stages of learning apply to every skill you learn, not just making posture in the guard!
It applies to learning how to level change and hit a perfect double leg takedown in wrestling… It applies to defending the neck when rear mounted… And it applies to riding a bike, driving a car, and cooking the perfect omelette.
The four stages of learning is a very useful model!  The mere act of identifying a deficiency in your arsenal – i.e. becoming aware that the problem even exists – moves you from stage one to stage two in the four stages.
Then ‘all’ that you need to do is learn the details of the technique, do thousands of repetitions to ingrain it in your mind, and spend tons of time using that technique in sparring and you’ll be at level four – Unconscious Competance – in the blink of an eye…

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Lagarto sweeps and opening turtle: Gi & No Gi


Drilled with Ad and Jn.

Worked Lagarto guard with sweep via bumping the ass (left leg mat/right leg ass) > turn over towards mat foot to stand then control legs


Drilled with Ird.

Stuffing td > they turtle > seatbelt > right knee outside, left knee in side > swap legs > roll them out over your left leg that's blocking

Vs turtle > spin to opposite side > bump them forward > left shin over their left calf > right hand under armpit > flip them over > shin controls calf leg > RNC

Friday, 9 March 2012

Maximizing the old "Hip Bump" Sweep

BJJ Performance Professor:

Here are a couple tips for taking this
sweep's effectiveness to another level:
First, fundamentals you probably 
know but are commonly overlooked:

- Make sure to sit up with your hand
posted on the mat behind you, not
just your elbow.

- Cup (don't simply wrap your arm
around) your partner's arm to the side
of their body on the side you're going to
so they can't post.

Now here's the "secret sauce"...
(When I started doing this as a purple
belt, this technique became a WEAPON!)

As you sit up, plant both of your feet flat on 
the mat before you lift your hips and twist.

It takes you an extra half-beat sometimes, 
but most people drive off just one foot.

Adding the drive of both feet gives you 
MUCH more power - and enables you to
lift you hips higher into your opponent's 
chest... which also means higher than their
center of gravity!

- Stephen Whittier

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Lagarto, Scissor and single legs - gi & no gi


Drilled with Iri.

Again, worked on Scissor sweep, Lagarto and variations.

More emphasis was placed on getting the initial Lagarto guard in place and then working from there.

No gi: 

Drilled with Ry.

Grab kick then push up for td.

Jab > kick > they go for leg/td > circle away (move lead leg back)

Jab > kick > leg grab > strike > step in > trip other leg on outside

Jab > kick > inside leg kick after their outside kick.

Jab > kick > grab leg with arm over (to avoid being kicked in head) > shelf leg on knee > swap grip to under arm > strike/td

Grab kick > they pull leg out > step to their side > right arm waist > left arm between legs & around far leg > lift and drop (keeping hold of legs so they have less control)


Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Bn basics

Drilled with Dnv.


Scissor sweep and variations:

Into > Lagarto, armbar, knee push, over the top, etc.

I still need a lot of work on it. A lot.

Monday, 5 March 2012


Drilled with Ad.

Some fun on the crash mat.

Worked on Lagarto guard with sweeps.

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Saturday: gi & no gi


Drilled with Jn and Ad.

Worked Lagarto guard and sweeps to side control.

No gi:

Drilled with Con.

Basic clinch & throw.

Worked on wrist + neck control (wrist control same side as lead leg)

Swapping sides quickly for standing guillotine - pushing head to opposite side so as not to get back taken.

Grip work - focus on elbow movement and blade of wrist not snatching.

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Thursday - gi & no gi


Drilled work from SC with Gr.

SC bottom & framed > pendulum legs away from them > roll to stomach > keep framed arm near neck > D'arce

SC bottom > bridge & scoot out > outside leg over for armbar  OR if they block > sweep

No gi:

Drilled with Ry.

Jab jab cross > uppercut combos

Parry and dodge > angle > uppercut

Parry and dodge > angle > leg kick

Parry and dodge > angle > uppercut > take arm > throw > knee on belly > strikes to head > set up armbar > they link arms to block > figure 4 legs with arm in the elbow/muscle > crush til they open *be sure to keep leg over neck secure and figure 4 using other leg* > armbar finish

Worked knee on belly + strikes