Friday, 29 July 2011

Judo & Kicks

Trained with Cuz.

Kicking pads.
Leg flexibility.
Box splits!

Hamstring suppleness.

Collar choke.


Watched MA docu.

Thursday, 28 July 2011

Day after Judo (Wednesday)

Did Judo with Cuz yesterday (Wednesday).

We primarily focused on S+C.
I struggled on crunches, and had to give up after 45.
I will beat that score!

I love the S+C side as it really pushes me.

Also worked on the Ippon Seoinage (One Arm Shoulder Throw):


Watched BJJ.
Fun as always!
Sm did some funny WWE jump from the window onto BM.

I need to get fitter.

Monday, 18 July 2011

Judo + exercises

Another session with Cuz.

It consisted mainly of bodyweight exercises - it was amazing!

I sweated and grunted like a beast.
Felt like puking, but it was worth it.

Feel alive.

Sat in on BJJ and JKD.
JKD was very interesting. Lots of good striking teaching.
BJJ was great as per usual.

Funny: B and SM rolling, and SM tying his Gi drawstring around B's ankle.

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Lucio "Lagarto" Rodrigues

Attended the Lagarto seminar today with Cuz.

Both being injured meant we couldn't put in as much effort as we'd like, but overall it was a positive experience.

It was good to get used to that type of atmosphere.

Lo get his purple belt and thanked his dad and Si.

Worth it.

Friday, 15 July 2011

Judo and Nephews

Judo for 1 hour again today with Cuz.

He said I appeared much more confident. I gripped with intent.

Drilled basic leg sweep and pulling them onto my back in prep for throwing.

Briefly drilled standing up from floor (leg and arm posted, swing leg behind and stand - keep hand up and leg up for def.)

Nephews sleeping over. They played Mario Kart and sang the star music.

Lagarto on Sunday!

Wednesday, 13 July 2011


Yesterday's (Tuesday) physio went well.

Had a massage on my traps and acupuncture, which really loosened up the tight muscle.

Needled (jk) Gm about Marley and Me.

Felt great, but dizzy.

Shoulder still aches this morning, but it's definitely getting better.

Gm said it could take 6-8 weeks in total until I can roll again!

Heal, please.

Friday, 8 July 2011


Judo again with Cuz.

Side break fall - be sure to bring forearm back to face area.

Front break fall - only did it briefly.

Footwork - back leg forward first!

Backward roll - need lots of work on this.

Kettlebell work=great! Note to self: buy a kettlebell.

Shoulder wasn't too painful.

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Judo Cuz

9.30am Judo with Cuz.


Turning + throw on elastic (ball at sis)

Side to side + sweep (and skimming hand)

Back break fall on mat - legs up and down.


I sweated!

Very enjoyable.

Judo and Docs


Yesterday day's Judo chat was good. Talked about the compass points.

Pulling them into you.
Pushing them out.

Last night's (Wednesday) sit in BJJ lesson was great. Just watching the guys roll and have fun really boosted my moral.


Judo soon again with Cuz, then Dr's appointment.

Shoulder is healing nicely.

Wednesday, 6 July 2011


Physio yesterday (Tuesday) was good.

She told me that I'd already done most of her work for her because I'd been icing, Ibuprofen'ing, and doing ROM exercises.

She did some ultrasound, massaged the area, chatted some, then booked me in for next week.

She was very kind and pleasant.


Spent some time with Cuz. He showed me some basics, including the compass concept.

I look forward to learning how to throw people.


This evening I'll be sitting in on my BJJ class.

I'll do this reguarly now until my shoulder heals.

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Saturday watching

Got a nice call from Cuz early this morning inviting me to go and watch his BJJ lesson.

Washed and dressed.

Cuz picked me up and off we went.

Was great to be in the BJJ environment.

I miss it.

A few asked me how I was, which was nice.

Cuz's knee twinged, but he enjoyed himself.

Heal time!