Saturday, 11 June 2011

Saturday Morning Fun

Tubigrip and dressing on knee: check
Tape around feet: check

Today's fundamentals class was great.

My partner was IL, my old school friend, so it was even easier to pick things up.
Plus, we're about the same height.


  1. Partner stood up, holding check+wrist
  2. Break their grip
  3. Hook their left foot/ankle with left arm
  4. Pass my left collar to my left hand
  5. Leg into armpit
  6. Take them down
  1. Partner arms around my arms and chest
  2. Drop a level
  3. Lift arms slightly
  4. Hold his upper hand
  5. Slide other hand through gap in bicep
  6. Step around  and armlock OR ->
  7. Step around with same foot + grab his knees at same time
  8. Lift him up and to side
  9. Drop him
  10. Turn in to knee closest
  11. Control
We may have done more stuff, but it eludes me right now.

Still not even close to having good defence, so the holes in my memory aren't a big concern.

It often feels like I am relearning my left and right multiple times per class.

Nk and IL were super helpful.

At the end of the class we did crunches, press-ups, stars and squats.
I didn't even get to finish, I was so slow.
I did about 5 squats, then stopped as everybody was waiting. Ouch.
I had to resort to doing kneeling press-ups after managing about 5 normal press-ups!
Time will improve my lack of conditioning.

I repeat: Great class.

Mind still hurts more than body.
I wish my was neurotypical sometimes.

Knees and feet held up ok.

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